Bhaja Govindam Bhaja Govindam is a popular Hindu devotional poem in Sanskrit with Vedic philosophy composed by Aadi Shankaracharya, an 8th-century Indian Vedic Scholar. Showering the essence of its exotic […]
MAFS Annual Gala 2023 Metropolitan Asian Family Services, Inc (MAFS) launches yet another star-studded Yearly Global Gala Fundraiser to celebrate the 3 decades of community services, with illustrious elected officials […]
What Does it Take to be a Leader – Personal and Professional Growth Swami Prayagraj gave the finest lecture about how Vedanta professes the power of your real nature, the […]
MAFS Mini Fundraiser 2023 In the honor of Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month of May, MAFS celebrated their Mini Fundraiser function of cultural events, dance, and musical evening on […]
Sundarkand is a chapter of Shri Ramcharit Manas composed by Tulsidas Ji. In which the success of Hanuman Ji has been described. Sundarkand recitation is one of the ways to […]
A prominent Indian American community leader Dr. Mrs. Santosh Kumar launched the International University of Vedic Wellness on Sept 9th, 2021. Dr. Mrs. Santosh Kumar is the founder and the Chief […]