Paula Basta, Director of IDOA, visits UMAS

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Paula Basta, Director of IDOA, visits UMAS

Our very own ADS aide Eva Contractor painted a portrait of Paula Basta

In the days preceding June 17th, 2019, our ADS staff along with the senior participants had several rehearsals to prepare for this most anticipated event—Ms. Paula Basta’s, Director of IDOA, visit to our ADS center in Schaumburg. They put in several hours of practice and hard work to put together great entertainment for Ms. Basta. Our Arts and Crafts department worked hard in creating surprise welcome gifts for Ms. Basta. Ms. Santosh Kumar who had organized this event had to make a sudden trip to India. She was sure that her capable staff was able to give Ms. Basta the best welcome for as if she would. And they did!

Her friendly and casual entrance made our staff and seniors very comfortable. She greeted everyone with a hug and a handshake. Upon her arrival, she looked around at the center and said that it was very spacious and big. She appreciated our arts and craft display, which was splendidly organized by Eva Contractor, our ADS Aide. The Seniors greeted Ms. Paula with the utmost respect. There were about 50 seniors present. Dipti Shah, our ADS chief coordinator along with Mital Patel, showed Ms. Basta around the center. She was very happy and appreciative when she saw the exercise equipment laid neatly for the seniors to use.

Everyone took a picture with Ms. Basta. Ms. Basta made sure she got a picture of herself with our staff and senior participants in her very own phone. She noticed our clean kitchen as she talked to Nikita, who was serving the seniors that day. Nikita explained in detail the daily menu which was exhibited for the seniors to Ms. Basta. Our menu was healthy and prepared daily at our own location which was catered to our seniors every day. Ms. Basta felt content as she moved on to converse with our CFO Mr. Sagar Kumar who mentioned the opening of yet another location on Devon Avenue. Ms. Basta was extremely happy to hear this and jokingly mentioned that it would be much closer to her office for her next visit.

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